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    History of the calendars and its evolution


    3500 b.C. - THE man begins to use the shades of the stones and hills as reference of time.

    3761 b.C. - Stipulated the beginning of the creation of the universe (according to a rabbi's calculation in the century XI) and beginning of the Jewish calendar.

    3120 b. C. - Beginning of the calendar of the Mayan from Central America (extinct 1000 years ago), with 365 days, with forecast of the end of the world and recriação of the same to every 5130 years (final in 2010).

    2636 the. C. - Beginning of the Chinese calendar (the oldest in vigor) that is divided in 12 year-old cycle, every year receives the name of 1 bug (former.: 2000 are dragon), they don't quantify those years, they only associate the ruler's name (dynasties) and the bug name to a fact of the time.

    46 b.C. - Final of the Roman calendar that had imprecise dates hindering the right hour of the plantation. Júlio César adopts the Egyptian calendar, that it used the full of Nile to mark the changes of the season, helping to determine the correct time of plantation, he was born the calendar juliano that invigorated up to 1582 A.D. Para to homage Júlio César, the senate it alters the name of the 5th month of the year (that began in March) of quintilis for Júlio.

    31 b.C - THE senate changes the name of the 6th month of the year of sextilis paa Augusto, to homage Emperor Augusto César.

    27 b.C. - In this period Augusto didn't like its month to have just 30 days and Julio to have 31 days, new alteration was providenciada, 1 day of February was removed, that was the last of the year, passing of 29 days for 28 days, and increasing in August. Temperariamente was created a long sequence of 3 months (July, August and September) everybody with 31 days, the solution went lower September for 30 days.

    To return to the beginning.

    4 a. C. - Death of Herodes, according to the historian Flavios Josephus (37 - 100 A.D.), Herodes died in the month of a lunar eclipse and that for the astronomers, it happened in 4 B.C. what confirms a 4 year-old mistake in the contagem of the years starting from Christ.

    284 a.C. - Marco of contagem of the years for the Romans, date of emperor's Diocleciano ownership.

    440 - beginning of commemoration of the native on December 25, according to historians this date corresponds to the birth of Mitra a Persian warring God, commemorated by the Romans and it was very popular, like Rome it was capital of the Christendom, it left of Rome the orientation to commemorate on December 25 Christ's birth that it was commemorated in 19/11 in Egypt, 20/05 in Palestine and 06/01 it is commemorated in Ethiopia until today. Lucas's Gospel affirms that Christ is newer 6 months than John the Baptist, born in 27 of Março; Christmas would be in the end of September in accordance several registrations.

    527 - Italian Dionisio (500 - 560) it fastened the contagem of the years apartir of Christ's birth, and not more in the ownership of Diocleciano, that was a pursuer of the Christians. Even so historians had concluded that he wandered in its calculations; he/she forgot to compute apartir of the foundation of Rome 4 years where Augusto governed like its Otávio baptism name (31a.C. - 27a.C.)

    16/07/622 - beginning of the Muslim calendar, that uses the trajectory of the moon, this calendar has less than Juliano 10 days the / Gregoriano / alphacalendar.

    To return to the beginning.

    Century XI - Hai Gaon, a rabbi from Babylon, calculates the beginning of the universe and the beginning of the Jewish calendar about initial mark in 3761 B.C.; he arrived to this result adding the duration of the several characters' of the old testament existence.

    04/10/1582 - Italian Ugo Buoncampagni (1502 - 1585) well-known as Papa Gregório XIII, it modifies the calendar Juliano, altering the beginning of March for January and creating the year non bissexto in the ends of the centuries non multiples of 400, used even today and that presents a defasagem of 1 day every 3333,3 years in the position of the earth in relationship of the sun (what doesn't happen in the alphacalendar). THE following day for 04/10/1582, it was 15/10/1582, correcting a defasagem of 10 days.

    1650 - Irish James Usher creates the expression " before Christ "

    1700 - Holland corrects the defasagem in the calendar.

    1752 - the British parliament corrects the calendar in England.

    1753 - Germany and Sweden also correct the calendar.

    22/09/1792 - attempt French of changing the calendar Gregoriano, with 12 months of 30 days rebaptized with names of some natural fact; the first was Vintage, regarding crop of the grape. They remained 5 days in the year and they were of collective rest. The calendar was contained later 13 years by Napoleão Bonaparte; because the people didn't like, the week had 10 days; 9 of work and 1 of rest.

    1849 - I philosophize him Augusto Comte, it proposed a new calendar with 13 months, everybody with 4 weeks; in this system everybody the dates would drop in the same day of the week every year, to complete the 365 days, there was out an extra day of the months and of the week, disqualifying the idea that didn't avenge.

    1873 - Japan corrects the calendar.

    1911 - China begins to also use the calendar Gregoriano; to hire the business and the taxes, but the population continues to use the traditional system and the new year is commemorated on February 05, when it happens a great popular party.

    1923 - Russia corrects the calendar.

    1986 - it begins to the alphacalendar to be idealized in the standard alphatime; method that uses the letters to mark the weeks and 7 colors to identify every day of the week, the second day of the week " b " will always be equal just moving the color.

    2001 - official beginning of the alphatime (calendar and alphabetic clock).

    To return to the beginning.

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